
We welcome everyone who is interested in joining or helping out with the Club.

Feel free to contact us or come along when the courts are open.

About the Club

Welcome to Dunham Massey Lawn Tennis Club!

Whether you're the next Andy Murray or just like hitting a tennis ball for fun and exercise we'd be delighted to see you.

Normally the courts are open for social tennis every Wednesday evening (from around 6.30, during May – September), so check the forecast and if it's going to be dry, check your emails or WhatsApp group and see who's going to be there.

However, due to Covid-19 there are currently some restrictions, please see our latest news.

Or if those times don't suit but you want to play with other members at any other time, please email sueandhenry@uwclub.net and we'll get something organised.

We also have a thriving social scene with open days, cream teas, BBQs, horse racing evenings and we’ve even had jazz performances to name just a few of our events.

Our membership fees for this season are under the Membership Section and there’s an application form for new members to complete.

Our club is open to residents of Dunham Massey and surrounding towns and villages. We also welcome members of other tennis clubs who would like to come and try playing on grass. Our visiting member fee is just £5. Before you come it’s a good idea to call Sue Bailey on 0779 525 1524 or 0161 928 0309 to confirm when the courts are open.

To keep up-to date with our news and events come back to our website regularly, or to join our email list let Sue Bailey know at sueandhenry@uwclub.net


Dunham Massey Lawn Tennis Club has always been run by and focused on the local community.

The Tennis Club was founded in 1920 by servicemen returning from World War I who wanted to provide recreational facilities for Dunham Massey residents.

In a demonstration of personal commitment which has been mirrored by members throughout the Club's history these men cleared a copse, dug out roots, and levelled and seeded the land in order to create two grass courts.

The first net posts were funded by the Army Canteen Fund, and the net given by Lord Stamford - the owner of Dunham Massey. But it was not until 1939 that the Club got its first pavilion, again built by its members, and making as much use of recycled components as possible including an old hen house.

From the start, tournaments were a common feature of the Club. Members competed amongst themselves as well as travelling to other clubs. In the early years few villagers owned a car, and so players had to cycle some distance to take part in away matches.

Throughout the years members of the Club have enjoyed mixing socially as well as competitively. During the summer play halted at 5pm for sandwiches, cake and as much tea as people could drink, with Saturday afternoons drawing to a close with a fish and chip supper in the pavilion. Winter socials became an effective way of maintaining camaraderie in the club and raising much-needed funds. Particularly popular were weekend trips into Derbyshire where there were high jinks in the dormitories (ask for a copy of the Golden Jubilee history to read more!).

The golden thread that has run throughout Dunham Massey Lawn Tennis Club from its inception almost 100 years ago to today is the time and effort members have contributed. From chopping down trees to organising socials, and from laying concrete to serving sandwiches it's the members that have made the Club the welcoming and enjoyable venue it is today. As our centenary appears on the horizon we look forward to many more years playing tennis and socialising with members new and old.

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